Leadercast — Retro 8 Films


Searching for Purpose


Joshua Tree, California


A lost soul with little direction struggles to find her direction in life amongst a dry, lifeless terrain.


When we first enter our careers, we do so with a passion to make our lives count and do something with meaning and purpose. In most cases, those dreams are minimized with pending deadlines, monthly quotas and a corporate ladder so tall and crowded it’s hard to see the top. Passion gets overshadowed by politics. Dreams get overturned by dividends. And we are sometimes left holding those dreams in our hands, debating whether or not to place them neatly on the shelf or bury them in a drawer.

Our purpose in our jobs, our homes and our lives should not be determined by the roles that we play. We are all walking down paths searching for our own “North Star” that guides us in this life. We are gathering things all along the way (tools, wisdom, experience), hoping to build something that leaves even a shadow of significance.

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